Random Thoughts

Short post tonight. One of the hottest days on record here in Germany. Sweaty! Time spent inside today and cooling off at the pool. I was also in Frankfurt this evening. It’s a vibrant city and I love the atmosphere for a visit!

I turned my negative beliefs that I wrote yesterday, into positive affirmations today. They were quite inspiring actually. I will continue with this process.

Further reading about the German theatre system: It’s more complex than I realised yet the same as many of my impressions from working within it. There was some information about the lobbying of politicians that theatres need to be involved in to keep their budgets. Makes sense as the money to provide the theatre service comes from public budgets and those responsible need to be reminded of what the theatre is providing. There was also the suggestion to be proactive as theatre leadership in discussions about theatre of the future and how this may look. This I find really important, for politicians who make decisions about theatres and the arts in general are seldom from the branch and therefore have less understanding as to the theatres needs and processes. A theatre director has a much greater insight as to the possibilities and any positive/negative consequences. Not that people can’t be wrong or make mistakes, but it is very important for arts practitioners with “skin in the game” to be a part of the process in decision making where possible.

“Skin in the game” is the concept that the person involved and has personal risk in the described situation and therefore has something to lose, meaning that the result is very important!



